6 Palace Gate

Client: Palace Gate Property Management

Principal Contractor: Szerelmey Restoration


Package Value: £100K

6, Palace Gate is a beautiful Grade II listed heritage property that was built in 1876 as a detached stone fronted Victorian house with a slated mansard roof. Szerelmey undertook extensive cleaning, repair and restoration work to the Portland front facade, balustrade and steps of the property. Initially a full dilapidation report was completed. The facade was cleaned using nebulous and DOFF methods. Isolated stone repairs were also carried out. In highly damaged areas and along the front balustrade our restorers gradually rebuilt the stone profile applying stainless steel armatures and several layers of lime mortar. Once all layers had set, the surface was carefully sanded down and smoothed off. The stone cornice was showing signs of severe weathering so we applied lead coverings in line with LSA regulations to the main cornice to improve the weathering and to make it waterproof. The cantilevered basement steps were over clad with new York stone treads and risers.

6 Palace Gate - Szerelmey

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